If your child is going to be absent OR tardy, please contact the school office before 9AM and leave a message on the attendance line (650) 947-4100 ext. 2 stating the following:
- Child's first and last names
- Teacher's name
- Your relationship to the child
- Reason for absence or tardy
Or, please email and cc your child's homeroom teacher. If your child is marked absent and you have not contacted us, the office will contact you for verification.
- Late arrival: please have your student stop by the office to pick up a tardy slip before entering the classroom.
- Pick up early: please email the office and teacher in advance. You will need to go to the office first to sign out the child. Office staff will call the classroom to get the student out.
Emergencies, illnesses, doctor's appointments, religious holidays/celebrations are considered excused absences.
In the case that your child exhibits any symptoms that are consistent with COVID-19, please be sure to include our health team (health@bullischarterschool.
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